World History

  • Welcome to World History!

    First off I will be putting a link to the book so you will be able to access it at home. We only have a classroom set so students will not be able to check one out from the classroom. Chapter can be printed at school if you do not have internet access at home.


    This year you will need two dedicated notebooks for class. One for general notes and the other for News Notes.


    We will start out every class period with the nightly news from the previous night. We will only watch about 5 minutes but you are expected to take notes during that time period. We will take a news quiz once a month to make sure you know what is going on in the world. 


    We will try to relate everything that we learn this year so some sort of current event so the topics will have meaning. 


    We will be taking Unit tests and quizzes through out the year and you will have 4 Classroom Based Assessments this year. Two of those will be presentations and the other two will be essays.


    We will have a lot of fun this year but you will also be held to high expectations as well.


    Most importantly respect your neighbor and be courteous :)

    World History
