• Robinson, Lorraine
    Position: Spanish I, II, and III
    Building: High School
    Phone Number: (509) 291-3721 (ext. 204)
    Welcome back! And welcome to all of our new families and students.
    Spanish I: We will begin learning about basic greetings in the first day. The first chapter, called Etapa Preliminar, will be an introduction to conversational Spanish. We will spend around 3 weeks on each chapter throughout the year, focusing primarily on the present tense.  
    Spanish II: We will begin the year with a review chapter of Spanish I (both grammar and vocabulary). I would like to set up a strong foundation within each student so that s/he feels comfortable moving forward into more complex material. Our grammatical focus will be the past tense for the first semester, and we will move into the future and conditional tenses during second semester.
    Spanish III: We will jump right in! This class is more conversational than I and II, and we will hopefully see a lot of growth with each student in regards to speaking, reading, and comfortability with the language as a whole. We will spend the year reviewing all material in order to keep their foundation strong, while also adding in a few compound tenses and the subjunctive tense.
    In each class, we will have a variety of assessments throughout the year, and there will be a comprehensive final both at the end of the semester and the end of the year.
    Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. I will try my best to respond to your inquiries within 24 hours.