This week's announcements:Yearbook announcement: Seniors- the deadline for submitting your senior pictures, baby pictures and senior quote is Friday, October 18! Please use this link to submit your pictures: Senior Pictures Link . Use this link to submit your senior quote: Senior Quote Link*Parents: Wondering what we are doing in class? You can see our weekly schedule on the Homework link on this website. Class calendars are arranged by week. Just click on the week you want to see what we are doing and what homework your student should have.Homework calendars are updated every week by Wednesday. Please click on that tab to see what we are up to in class this week! For helpful websites, go to my links page. Looking for something new to read? Check out the "What's new in Books" tab to see reviews on new books!* MLA format continues to be required for all English papers and research projects. For help with MLA formatting, please go to the links tab for help on formatting and works cited.
* Past assignment calendars can be found by going to your class documents and handouts page.-* Literature Circles/ Outside Reading Pages!
First semester, freshmen will be participating in required Literature Circles (book clubs) for their reading requiremenst. This will be replaced by an Outside Reading requirement second semester.Literature Circlest will run for 6 weeks, with students being required to read a set number of chapters and complete an assignment for classes due every on Wednesday.Outside Reading will require students to read 600 pages of literature from books of their own choice, and discuss the book with me upon completion. They will have until the end of the semester to complete the required reading. OR pages will be broken into three due dates, during which 1/3 of OR pages are due. Extra credit can be earned for reading extra pages, 10 extra pages = 1 extra point. Due dates for pages:Semester 2- 6 weeks- March 15; 12 weeks- April 26; Final grade- June 6.The notes area of the gradebook assignment will record what books have been discussed and when the book chat was completed. At 15 weeks, scores will be entered so that impact on grade can be seen. Score will be replaced as book chats are completed.Go to the Bagpiper link to download the newest edition of The Bagpiper newspaper.
Last Modified on October 10, 2019