Ms. Linda Mega
Building: Middle School, Room 22
Email Address: lmega@freemansd.org
Office phone number: 291-7301Welcome to Freeman!!If you are familiar with Freeman, you will notice a few new faces, a few room changes, and a few changes in the subjects individual teachers will cover.Here is what we teach:Mrs. Briggs: MathMrs. Hamilton: English Language Arts, Ancient Civilizations, ArtMs. Mega: Math, Ancient CivilizationsMr. Rae: 6th & 7th Science, STEMMrs. Britain: Math, ELA, Learning Center helpMr. Jydstrup: 6th-12th Band & DrumlineOther thoughts:
--- Please check the Freeman webpage and the weekly 'Middle Scoop' email for important dates and info.--- Students should bring their Chromebook to school every day - fully charged and ready to go. :)
Last Modified on September 10, 2023