

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jennifer Jensen

Here's a little bit about me...



This is my 27th year teaching at Freeman Elementary.  I am a graduate of Eastern Washington University with a Major in Elementary Reading and a Minor in Applied Psychology.   The Freeman community has always been called home by my family.  I spent my elementary, junior high, and high school years here, and now I am very proud to be teaching in the Freeman School District! 

I have been married to my best friend, Eric, for 27 years.  We have so much fun, and I am so thankful for the life we share together.  We have been blessed with three beautiful daughters, and I am grateful they get the privilege of attending Freeman, also. We are so proud of all of them. 

            I believe the foundation of your child’s success in school starts at home.  Although teachers can have great influence on a child’s life, nothing compares to the love and support of a parent.  You impact success at school by staying connected and providing the love, structure, nutrition, rest, and safe environment for them to call home.  On my end, I am committed to providing meaningful learning opportunities for every child in my classroom at their personal instructional level.  Each child brings a unique set of abilities, interests, and talents that enriches our classroom community.  Together, as a team, we can provide an education that sets the stage for success in life.  Thank you for choosing to be a part of this journey, and thank you for the honor of allowing me to be a part of it, also. 



Last Modified on October 11, 2022