Phone: 509-291-4791 ext.116
Degrees and Certifications:
BA Education Reading and Early Childhood Specialist
Mrs. Gena Hawk
My name is Gena Hawk and I am one of the kindergarten teachers at Freeman Elementary. I grew up in Greenbluff, Wa. and was in the first graduating class of Mt. Spokane High School. I then continued my education at Spokane Community College and earned my AA degree. I transferred to Eastern Washington University after my time was finished at SCC. I earned my Bachelors in Education three years later. My husband Ben grew up on Mica Peak and he is a graduate of Freeman High School, so we decided to bring our boys back here to give them an amazing education. My oldest is a senior this year and my youngest is a freshman. I enjoy crocheting, calligraphy, my dogs, watching my boys in their athletics and so much more. Kindergarten is my favorite time in children's lives. They grow so much and develop amazing skills. I have taught at Freeman for five years now. Please contact me at any time.
My Email is ghawk@freemansd.org
My Phone number is:509-291-4791 ext. 116