Classroom Expectations


    Here are some guidelines that should help smooth the transition into 4th grade.    

    How to Reach Me

    I am available to conference with you before and after school. In the mornings I am usually at school by 7:45 and here in the afternoons until 3:15. You can reach me by phone or leave a voice message at 291-4791 ext. 135. I am also available through email at I will respond to your messages as quickly as possible within that time frame. I am always willing to set up appointments that will fit with your busy schedule. Just ask!



    Any time that you can donate to your child’s learning and classroom is greatly appreciated. Please know that if you sign up to volunteer on a regular basis, I will be looking forward to putting you to work! I rely on your consistency to be in the room at your scheduled times. I use volunteers in a variety of ways and sometimes my lesson plans depend on you! If for any reason you are unable to keep an appointment please let me know. I will send out a schedule of times and tasks that I need help with in the coming weeks. Thank you for your help in our classroom!



    On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school (lunch money, book orders, etc.). Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it:

    1. Your child’s first and last name.
    2. The amount of money included.
    3. The purpose for the money.
    4. My name and room number. (Mrs. Smith’s Room 135)


    With many students to keep track of and several reasons to collect money, this helps me out tremendously and reduces the likelihood of errors. Also, if the envelope is left on the bus or playground, this information will help the money to be returned to the classroom.




    Our bodies and brains need energy to keep us going! The kids in our class will take the time for a nutritious snack mid-morning everyday.  Please do not send peanut products (to avoid allergies) or products high in sugar. The goal for snack time is to feed our brains for learning. If your child has special dietary needs, please send appropriate snacks for him or her.




    Birthdays are special occasions for children. If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class on the day of his/her birthday. Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can set some time aside for a class party. If you wish to celebrate a summer birthday during the school year, that is fine as well. Please do not send birthday party invitations to school unless the entire class has been invited. Although it may seem convenient to distribute invitations this way, it can cause unnecessary disruption of the school day. Thank you.


     Classroom/School Rules

    1. Be Responsible
    2. Be Respectful
    3. Be Safe
    4. Be Ready to Learn


    Dear parents/guardians,


    I wanted to send a quick letter home regarding our classroom management program. As a teacher, my role is to teach your student(s). I LOVE that role. I want our classroom to be a place of learning, and I strive to make sure all students in my classroom have an opportunity to learn. In order to create a classroom environment conducive to learning, it is imperative that our classroom management program is in place and supported by parents at home.


    Our classroom rules are as follows:

      1. Listen and follow directions

      2. Use hand signals

      3. Stay on task

      4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

      5. Respect your classmates, school, and teacher


    Every time a  classroom rule is broken, a consequence is given. Our classroom consequences are as follows:

      1. Redirect (a verbal warning)

      2. Side Line (break in a specific area in classroom)

      3. Break outside the classroom: Fill out a "think time" sheet

      4. Letter Home (letter home to parent that must be signed and returned the following day)


    The first thing I want you to know is that a redirect is not a bad thing. In my class, a redirect acts as the first warning. For example, if your student is talking when I’m teaching, I will give them a redirect instead of giving them a reminder to stop. I find that by doing this behavior starts to change immediately, because they know I will be consistent the first time and every time. In order to build and maintain trust with all students, I will be as consistent as possible.


    I also want you to know that behavior is learned and can be changed. Children’s brains are so moldable. I expect all students to adhere to our classroom rules and rise to meet our classroom expectations. It is imperative that these rules are followed, so I can preserve a positive classroom environment and give all students access to learning.


    If you have any questions or would like more details, I’m happy to send you my student presentation I will be using to teach students or answer any questions you may have.


    I am so excited to teach your student this year! It’s going to be wonderful!















Last Modified on August 19, 2024