• Handy Classroom Information

    You will find some very important information below.  Please take time to review it carefully so that you are “in the know” this school year! It contains important information regarding routines, procedures, and policies for my classroom.  Be on the look out for the yellow homework folders.  They will contain information for you to review each week. 


    Yellow Homework Folders

    Every Friday you will find a yellow homework folder sent home with the classroom newsletter, a homework schedule, the next week’s homework, and any other important information you will need to know.  I will assign all homework a week in advance.  All of the homework is due on Friday, signed by a parent, and returned in the yellow folder. Students may work on the homework any time after they receive it.  Thank you for making this a priority for your child.  It will be part of their grade on the report card.  I will do my best to make sure homework isn’t excessive, but send home only that which I know will enhance their learning at school.  Third graders still need a healthy dose of play outside of school, so be sure to help them learn to manage their time wisely!


    Friday File Folders

    Along with the Yellow Homework Folders sent home each Friday, I will send home the students’ weekly completed work for you to look at in a separate folder. These folders need to be emptied and returned with the Homework Folders.


    Spelling Program

    I would like to point out a few things regarding our spelling program.  Spelling words come from spelling patterns and high frequency words we are studying during the week.  Every Thursday I will give the students a pre-test of about 25 words.  Out of those words, I will highlight 5-10 words that were missed, based on the needs of each individual child.  Those are the assigned spelling words for the following week.  Students are responsible for studying only the highlighted words.  The new list will come home every Friday in the Homework Folder.  It is important to do spelling this way so that students are learning new words and constantly being challenged at their individual level.   


    Students are expected to study their spelling words at home each night.  Please post the list on the refrigerator, mirror, or by their bedside to encourage students to study. 


    Please contact me with any questions you may have about spelling! 


    Be looking for the spelling each Friday in the Homework Folder!


    How to Reach Me

    I am available to conference with you before and after school.  In the mornings I am usually at school by 7:15 and here in the afternoons until 3:15.  You can reach me by phone or leave a voice message at 291-4791 ext. 111.  I am also available through email at cdexter@freemansd.org.  I will respond to your messages as quickly as possible.  I am always willing to set up appointments that will fit with your busy schedule.  Just ask! 



    Any time that you can donate to your child’s learning and classroom is greatly appreciated.  Please know that if you sign up to volunteer on a regular basis, I will be looking forward to putting you to work!  I rely on your consistency to be in the room at your scheduled times.  I use volunteers in a variety of ways and sometimes my lesson plans depend on you!  If for any reason you are unable to keep an appointment please let me know.  I will send out a schedule of times and tasks that I need help with in the coming weeks.  Thank you for your help in our classroom!



    On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school (lunch money, book orders, etc.).  Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it:

    1.      Your child’s first and last name.

    2.      The amount of money included.

    3.      The purpose for the money.

    4.      My name and room number.  (Mrs. Dexter’s Room 111)


    With many students to keep track of and several reasons to collect money, this helps me out tremendously and reduces the likelihood of errors.  Also, if the envelope is left on the bus or playground, this information will help the money to be returned to the classroom.



    Our bodies and brains need energy to keep us going!  On most afternoons we will take the time for a nutritious snack.  We would really appreciate if you could supply a box or two of non perishable, healthy snacks for our room.  Please do not send peanut products (to avoid allergies) or products high in sugar.  The goal for snack time is to feed our brains for that last bit of the school day.  If your child has special dietary needs, please send appropriate snacks for him or her. 



    Birthdays are special occasions for children.  If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class on the day of his/her birthday.  Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can set some time aside for a class party.  If you wish to celebrate a summer birthday during the school year, that is fine as well.  Please do not send birthday party invitations to school unless the entire class has been invited.  Although it may seem convenient to distribute invitations this way, it can cause unnecessary disruption of the school day.  Thank you. 



    I feel that a very important part of school communication involves parents and students.  That is why I have developed a way for students to keep you updated on their lives, as well as practice writing skills.  Each child will maintain a journal throughout the year.  We will do a variety of writing activities in the journal during the week.  Every Friday students will be responsible for writing a letter home in their journals telling about their week.  I would encourage you to take this opportunity to respond to your child’s letter in the journal.  This allows your child to give meaning to writing, practice reading, and strengthen your involvement in school.  I will require that each student bring back their journals on Monday with at least a signature from you stating that you have read what they have written.  My hope is that you will find time to write your child a loving and supportive letter in response to theirs.  I hope that you will find this activity to be something to look forward to.  You will enjoy looking back at your correspondences in the future!




    Classroom/School Rules

    1.      Be Responsible

    2.      Be Respectful

    3.      Be Safe

    4.      Be Ready to Learn


    If you choose to break a rule:


    First time:  Warning

    Second time:  Name on the board.... loose recess

    Third time:  Time Out…Think about it! Students will fill out a form helping them understand why they are making poor choices and how better choices can be made.  This form will be sent home their parent that night and returned with a signature the next morning.  If the note does not return back to school the next morning, the student will call their parents from school explaining the situation. 


    Severe Disturbance:  Sent immediately to principal’s office.


    Everyday is a fresh start in our classroom!  Everyone has a bad day once in awhile, therefore names will be erased from the board each morning and a new day will begin. 


    Positive Behavior Recognition:

    Extra Recess                                        Notes Home

    Verbal Praise                                       Phone Calls Home

    Outstanding You’s                             Free Time

    High Fives                                           Learning

    Smiles                                                  Pride

    Awards                                                Class Party


    Freemand Elementary Grading Scale


    Scoring a 4      90%-%100


    • I followed all directions


    • I showed clear understanding


    • I worked accurately


    • I put forth my best effort

    (I went above and beyond)


    Scoring a 3     75%-89%


    • I followed all or most directions


    • I showed understanding


    • I may have needed a little help


    • I only made a few mistakes


    • I put forth strong effort



    Scoring a 2     60%-74%


    • I didn’t follow directions


    • I didn’t understand the concept


    • I made several mistakes


    • I rushed and turned in sloppy or unfinished work


    Scoring a 1     59% and below


    ·         I chose not to participate


    ·         My work was incomplete

    Comments (-1)
Last Modified on March 7, 2018