Degrees and Certifications:
BA - University of Florida, Public Relations and Non-profit Management M.A. - University of San Diego, Counseling with a specialization in School Counseling Credentials: ESA: School Counseling- State of Washington Administrative Credential- State of Washington PPS: School Counseling - State of California Certificates: Restorative Discipline in Schools Trauma- Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools (CBITS) American School Counseling Association Crisis and Trauma Specialist American School Counseling Association Bullying Prevention Specialist
Mrs. Stacey Rawson
Elementary School Counselor
Middle School Counselor
McKinney Vento Liason
504 Coordinator
Stacey Rawson is the K-8 counselor at Freeman. With 9 years of school counseling experience, her background includes trauma-sensitive counseling, small group counseling, school-wide interventions and social-emotional learning. She is the author of Applying Trauma Sensitive Practices in School Counseling. Mrs. Rawson loves her job and her students and is thrilled to be a part of the Freeman team!
My role as a school counselor is to be an advocate for all students and to ensure that they THRIVE at school academically, emotionally, and socially. I look forward to working with your students.
(509) 291-4791 or (509) 291-7301 ext. 103