Indirect Services

  • When a student's need arises counselors and teachers will be able to work together to support that student. The indirect services are about gathering and sharing information to address any issues that may come up. In accordance with the ACSA Model, this is done by: 
    Consultation- the process of providing information about issues and needs, and identify strategies to promote improvement
    Collaboration- the progress in which teachers, staff, and counselors work together by sharing responsibility in supporting that student's needs. This can be done in many different ways (committees, workshops, or partnerships outside the school). 
    Referrals- when the need for more support that is beyond the training and/or responsibilities of the school then it is our ethical duty to refer students to services outside of the school for additional assistance. This varies by what the need is. 

    At Freeman Elementary and Middle School, the indirect service is the implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).  MTSS is a framework that effectively and efficiently organizes and delivers academic, social, emotional, and behavioral resources and supports. It is an umbrella of support for students that is broken down into different Tiers of Support depending on student needs and issues. This system is supported by Student Support Meetings that addresses and readdresses needs as they arise. It is used to develop a plan and goals around school and student needs. 

    For more information about MTSS click the link:


Responsive Services

  • Responsive Services are for when a need arises and need to be addressed right away. Some needs that are concerned immediate are social and emotional or crisis response. Interventions that could occur would be individual and small group counseling and conflict resolution/mediation.